Pre-Telling activities:
Activity: ‘Assembly and worksheet’.
In this activity we’ll be sitting down on the floor with our pupils to teach them the new vocabulary from the story. To do this activity, we have prepared a little “bits” with 3 animals and 3 sounds, because it is for children between 6-7 years old.
The goal of this activity is that our pupils learn the specific vocabulary of the story and repeat all the words with the teacher’s help.
In this activity children have to match the pictures (the concepts that the children saw with the teacher in the assembly) with his correct color.
The goal of this activity is that our students remember and interiorize the vocabulary that they learnt before about the story.
Activity: ‘Abracadabra!’
In this activity, teacher will become in a wizard. Then, students will follow the teacher's spells; Abracadabra, listen to me! Now you are… a bird!
Depending which animal does the teacher says, students will imitate it´s sounds or way of behaving. Ex: if it's a bird, they will be tweeting and shaking their “wings”.
Post-Telling activities:
Activity: ‘Animals sounds’.
Through this activity, students should identify and write the sound characteristic of each of these animals in this way facilitating its distinction.
Activity: ‘Wild animals versus Farm animals’.
Draw the animals that are named in the story. But, draw it in the correct place…
With this activity we are working with animals vocabulary and marking a distinction between wild and farm animals so that they can establish the difference. A good game to play after this activity would be “Hot Farm” or “Hot Forest” in which one students has to imitate an animal (sounds, movements, etc.) and the rest of the class have to guess. They love this game!