Pre-Telling activities
Activity: ‘Introducing characters’.
This activity is intended that students know the characters that are part of the story. Therefore, students will already have an idea about the tale.
Activity: ‘Characteristics in common’.
In this activity, teacher will show some flashcards and get the children identify if there´s something in common between those objects and which is bigger or smaller.
Ex: three chairs. Which one are the smallest and the biggest? Why do we use this object?
Post-telling activities
Activity: ‘Working time’.
Through this activity, we propose our students have read or listen to the story they colour and size according to your order some of the materials that appear in the story.
Activity: ‘Knowing the bear’s house’.
Draw and name the parts of a house and furniture that appears in the story.
With this activity, we want our students work with the vocabulary of the house. First of all they have to remember all the keywords of the story (chair, bed, etc.); then they have to place them in the correct room of the house, so for example the bed would be drawn in the bedroom. That way they are relating objects with rooms and reviewing all these vocabulary. We would ask them to draw as many things as possible in the house, and make sure they know how are they called.